Minggu, 06 November 2011

love the tone under the strains of clove trees

on this sunny morning,.,.,.,.,.,.,
at a time when the sun smile upon the earth,.,.,.,.,
there I began to open my eyes,.,.,
with a smile that suggests I want to step into sight,.,.,.,.,.,
with swaying foliage that accompanies my every step,.,.,.,.,.,
with the strains of dry leaves the wind that blew,.,.,.,.,
there I found you,.,.,.,
who attend to bring a million dreams,.,.,.,.,
for navigating hard journey of love in this life,.,.,.,.,

I know love is beautiful,.,.,.,.,.
but love is a beautiful story but not real,.,.,.
which always accompanies in every dream in life,.,.,.,.,

so appreciate all the love that comes in real life not this,.,.,.,.,.,.,
do not waste him while he was still in our lives,.,.,.,.,.,
because love can be a doctor at a time when we are sick and need us,.,.,.,.
and love can be a sharp sword at a time when we menyepelekanya,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

time and love is like a sharp sword in our lives,.,.,.,.,.,
always, accompanied at every blow our breath,.,.,.,.,
our lives how to use it,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

then remember to use the time and love as possible as long as we are given a chance to enjoy it,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,!!!!!!!!!